- Create a 2 to 4 minute film through interviews, voice overs, music and visuals, etc.
- Can be a narrative or a documentary or experimental.
- Topic is concrete; film should also explore a theme or larger idea
- If narrative or documentary, try to focus on one main character
- Around 30 shots (“b-roll”) to illustrate an interesting visual story.
- Music and sound effects highly recommended.
- Consider using a voice over (VO)
- Consider using text
- Consider using still images, historical images or “found footage” (pre-existing media)
Possible topics:
- Focus on a main character or “hero” on a journey, attempting to overcome an obstacle.
- Example: Interview a family member about a personal story about one of the toughest challenges they have ever had, and how, or if, they overcame it.
- Example: Create a film about a challenge you personally faced, (real or fictional) and how you attempted to overcome it. Could use VO, self-shot interview, or perhaps try documenting yourself as you attempt to conquer a new skill.
- Using a collection of long takes, create an experiential and lyrical film.
- Example: Shoot 30 “random” long takes and edit them to create a singular creative piece.
- Example: Choose a poem, (or write a poem) and record a voice over. Shoot broll to accompany the voice over.
- Find Inspiration from the Immediate world around you, including nature or art.
- Brainstorm idea, research/identify subject, etc.
- Write a short pitch or treatment. In one to two paragraphs (no more than 1/3 page single space) describe your film (story, characters, theme, etc.)
- Is the concept original?
- Who is your audience?
- Could you explain your basic idea to a friend in once sentence? TEMPLATE: Someone (the protagonist) wants something (the story goal) and goes after it against great odds and/or obstacles (the antagonist and the conflict).
- Why make this film now?
- Type up a pre-production packe
- Arrange interview (subject, locations)
- Compile a list of interview questions
- Write a voiceover script or on screen text (as needed)
- Create a list of shots (B-roll)
- Practice technology needed for shooting
- Shoot the video
- Rough Edit (Shooting may continue while you begin editing. This means putting the pieces in place to tell the story.
- Screen for fellow students and teacher to get feedback.
- Fine cut (trim, effects, color correction, transitions, titles, audio effects)
- Final Screening